Non Profit
Central Coast State Parks Association
CA State Parks, non-profit partnering association in San Luis Obispo County.CA State Parks, non-profit partnering association in San Luis Obispo County.
Historical Society of Morro Bay
HSMB ia an all volunteer 501 c 3 non profit corporation whose members seek to resarch, understand and preserve the history of the City. They create events, publications, displays, digital media.HSMB ia an all volunteer 501 c 3 non profit corporation whose members seek to resarch, understand and preserve the history of the City. They create events, publications, displays, digital media.
Morro Bay Lions Club
A non-profit Service Club supporting our City, schools, those in need & other charities in our communityA non-profit Service Club supporting our City, schools, those in need & other charities in our community
CAPSLO has 28 programs in SLO County helping those of all ages become self-sufficientCAPSLO has 28 programs in SLO County helping those of all ages become self-sufficient
Morro Bay in Bloom
Morro Bay in Bloom | Civic Improvement | Non Profit Morro Bay in Bloom volunteers believe that "to plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow." Join or support our efforts! morrobayinbloom.orgMorro Bay in Bloom | Civic Improvement | Non Profit Morro Bay in Bloom volunteers believe that "to plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow." Join or support our efforts! morrobayinbloom.org
For general questions about visiting Morro Bay or to obtain information about tourism and tourism-related events, please don't hesitate to contact Visit Morro Bay at 805-225-7411 or email info@morrobay.org.